Guiding Needle Acupuncture
Guiding Needle Acupuncture
• Professional • Caring • Delivering Innovative Natural Treatments
• Professional • Caring • Delivering Innovative Natural Treatments
Thomas Nerbas R.Ac., PFT
Thomas Nerbas R.Ac., PFT
Thomas Nerbas is a registered doctor of acupuncture with a fully active licensure with the College Of Acupuncturists Of Alberta (CAA). His passion as the founder of Guiding Needle Acupuncture is to help you as quickly and as economical as possible; to restore and maintain robust health and vitality through skillful action. Thomas specializes in world class Guiding Needle Acupuncture treatments that employ as few needles as possible, and as many as necessary in order to treat multiple diseases simultaneously; one needle treats many diseases. The instant acupunctu results skyrocket patient loyalty and goodwill without being salesy.
Guiding Needle Acupuncture sessions achieve such great success; people's lives are changed because of it! Read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ verified patient reviews here.
In 2009, Thomas graduated from the Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is also a certified personal fitness trainer, a 2005 graduate of Mount Royal University.
His practice includes multiple styles of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, food therapy, qigong, deep meditation, regenerative detoxification, and stress management technology. He bridges 3000 + years of Chinese medicine with the present by incorporating modern research into his treatment strategies.
He has been taught and strives to learn from the most successful world class adept acupuncturists, master herbalists and wellness professionals. Thomas enjoys educating patients of the many natural choices addressing their individual health concerns. Now is your time to discover how traditional Chinese medicine is successful in preventative measures; treating the root cause and any uncomfortable symptom imbalances, as well as strengthening robust health and vitality overall.
In His Own Words
In His Own Words
Every brand new moment of now is an amazing opportunity to help people all across the country benefit from world class Guiding Needle Acupuncture. I invite you to schedule an initial acupuncture assessment. I think you will find it very interesting. I invite you to read ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ verified patient reviews that testify as to the power of Guiding Needle Acupuncture. Make everyday super fantastic, be healthy and prosperous!
Thomas Nerbas R.Ac, PFT